Peanut butter…in fruit form? What if you could have that salty, nutty peanut butter flavor and get your daily dose of fruit at the same time? Well, with this fruit you can!
Peanut butter fruit, yes it does exist. These small oblong olive-sized fruits are native to Central and South America and have a beautiful exotic appearance. The peanut butter fruit tree goes by other names like the Bunchosia tree or Monk’s Plum tree, but they’re all the same. This tropical tree’s uniquely bright, yellow flower gives way to bountiful bunches of tiny fruits. A lot of the time, these fruits have a visually appealing shape and are often used for decorative purposes — but these fruits aren’t only for show.
Their fig-like skin houses a deep-red flesh that revivals that of pomegranate with a ruby jewel-toned color. Though many people describe the taste and texture of the fruit as a cross between a date, a fig, and a sweet potato, most who taste it will automatically think of peanut butter.
The weirdest part of this fruit is that the texture is also similar to peanut butter, being that it’s thick, sticky, smooth, and vicious all at the same time. One person reviewing the fruit described the taste as being super close to that of smooth, creamy peanut butter from a jar. Unlike other trees, which can take several years to produce fruit, these peanut butter fruit trees only take two to three years of waiting to bear a fruit crop.
So why haven’t these fruits hit supermarket shelves? Well, these fruits are delicate, like super delicate. Once picked, they don’t have a long shelf life and rot within a matter of days. The soft interior texture and thin outer skin aren’t hardy enough for long-distance, cold storage transport. That doesn’t mean you can’t find them in the US. Since these trees are tropical, you may be able to grow them in environments like Florida, Hawaii, and parts of Southern California.