With Easter right around the corner, it is time to have a fun discussion about the candies and meals that define the season.
March may not be over yet but people are looking ahead, as they should. Passover doesn’t take place until Wednesday, April 5, and Easter falls on Sunday, April 9, but people are making their voices heard. Instacart decided to have a survey, as a means of paying homage to these awesome holidays.

They are looking to find out more about the items that Americans are filling their homes and pantries with this year. The Instacart survey was conducted online by the good folks at The Harris Poll. Over 2,000 American respondents were asked about their favorite Easter candies and Passover foods. The survey found that 2 out of every 3 Americans celebrate Easter.
92% of those who are celebrating are planning on buying some form of Easter candy as well. Once you have taken the time to see what treats are at the top of everyone’s list, there is a very clear trend that emerges.

“Americans certainly have a hankering for the sweet combination of chocolate and peanut butter. When looking at the top-selling Easter candy in every state, Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs are the clear favorite in 29 states including the entire west coast,” says Instacart’s trends expert, Laurentia Romaniuk, in the survey press release.
“By and large, a clustered majority of the Midwest and South prefer other Easter candies and flavors, which goes to show that where you live could have a noticeable effect on what you like,” she continues.

The top three are then rounded out with the Kinder Chocolate Candy Eggs (you know, the ones that have the surprise toy stashed inside of them) and Starburst Easter Jellybeans. Peeps and jellybeans are still popular, as 42% of respondents plan on grabbing some Peeps, while 51% are looking to take home some jellybeans. Instacart also provided a list of the top-selling candies by state.
As for Passover, it should surprise no one to learn that matzo remains a must-have at all of these meals. According to Instacart data, matzo orders go up by 300% during the week leading up to Passover. This survey came with a lot of interesting findings and we loved learning more.