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There are certain studies that we almost wish that we hadn’t seen because they disturb our peace and sanity. If you are someone who regularly relies on the self-checkout line when you are at the grocery store, you are definitely going to want to read on and learn more.

They may provide you with a more efficient way to shop but did you know that there are certain pitfalls?

Photo: Flickr/Paul Swansen License: Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0

According to this study, you just might be getting a side of fecal matter with your groceries. The Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine in the UK is responsible for conducting this experiment as part of the Simple Things campaign with the NHS public health officials.

Their findings are startling, to say the least. These checkouts are covered in potentially harmful bacteria and we are flabbergasted.

Photo: YouTube/Hydra Creative

“We live in a bacterial world — bacteria and microbes are everywhere, and we come into contact with them all day, every day,” said Dr. Adam Roberts, according to the Liverpool Express. He was responsible for analyzing the swab results from the study. 19 different items that people are touching on a daily basis were analyzed. Door handles, keyboards, handrails and self service checkouts were at the top of the list.

The items that they analyzed were found to have high bacterial loads and this is the sort of thing that is sure to make readers think twice about what they are touching going forward. Now that winter is here and everyone seems to have the sniffles, we can see why people are looking to make the right decision for their health.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Mds08011 License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

The findings from the self-checkout lines were especially frightening, as the scientists found that there were five different types of bacteria present in these settings. These types of bacteria are particularly frightening, as they are the ones that have been known to cause disease in people. Enterococcus, which is a type of bacteria typically found in fecal matter, was one of the most dangerous types that scientists found.

So what we can do to keep ourselves safe? As it turns out, there are precautions that can be taken, so do not worry. If you are touching anything in a public space, be sure to thoroughly wash your hands. This will provide you with the protection that you need to avoid catching a bug.

Happy shopping!