Keeping a lawn clear of weeds is exhausting.
It is a tough task and it takes up a lot of time during the fall and summer months. Of course, there are also the issues that are associated with a lawn that is dying and in need of constant watering.
In some locations, it is either against the rules or severely frowned upon to waste gallons and gallons of water on our lawns. Some may decide against it because they do not wish to contribute to any existing drought-related issues, depending on where you live. It is so hard to keep yards looking healthy, so we can see why people are looking for viable alternatives.
This is where red creeping thyme comes into play. It looks great and could have a positive benefit on the environment. According to HGTV, red creeping thyme is a very hardy plant and it produces gorgeous-looking flowers. They have a pinkish-purple hue. In addition to these benefits, they are a great choice for anyone who lives in an area where droughts take place.
The advantages do not stop there, either. The red creeping thyme does not need to be mowed, it does not require watering of any kind and it also allows you to avoid all of those cumbersome weeds that constantly creep in. It is also used as a filler plant so that walkways and patio stones are given the chance to look their best.
Can you believe that the perks do not even stop there? Those who choose to plant red creeping thyme are able to enjoy a far greater level of pest control than those who still rely on natural grass. It also attracts pollinators, like bees and butterflies. The thyme will grow very quickly as well, spreading out across the space in question in a fan-like manner.
What’s not to love here? The process can be expensive to lay the plant, but there are so many different advantages that can be enjoyed. All of the lawn work that normally needs to be done is avoided and you get to enjoy a greater level of environmental friendliness.
What do you think? Let us know!