There is no doubt that the world is changing, and it is perhaps changing in ways that we never thought possible. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, more and more people are finding themselves working remotely.
When you first started to work from home, you probably loved the freedom of sitting on the couch in front of the TV with your computer on your lap or perhaps spreading out on the dining room table. That works for about a week, and then you are looking for a dedicated area to call your own.
That is where the home-office comes in, and if you are looking for some inspiration, you might want to look to the backyard. The ten home-office pods that we show below are perfect for getting stuff done without venturing far from your living space.
There are many reasons to want your own home office pod but perhaps the lack of a commute is what it’s all about. You can get as much work done or perhaps even more, but when you remove distractions, as is the case in this small pod, productivity is the name of the game.
Simplicity is what is found in this small office pod, where some older features meet the modern. It’s an office-yoga studio that will help you to focus and get stuff done.
Having a shed out back will never be the same, thanks to the availability of this prefabricated model. It is built by professionals, so the custom design is sure to offer a practical edge to the work you do.
This little backyard office is proof that you don’t have to give up functionality to enjoy something that is visually pleasing. It’s big enough for a desk and a couple of chairs, but the outside terrace really brings it home.
The combination of home-office and living space is just what you need in a small structure. It offers some additional privacy for those who are working inside while at the same time, keeping things simple.
If you’re looking for something modern and out of the ordinary, then this little pod is right up your alley. It is sure to offer you inspiration to get more work done.
Would you like a little sophistication in your life? This contemporary pod is both practical and easy on the eyes.
You might think that tiny homes are the trend but these tiny offices are just as trendy. When you look at KitHaus, which is known for its tiny homes, you are sure to get a little office that is perfect.
If you are going to have an office in your garden, why not have a building that gives you an ultimate view? The glass walls in this little shed are perfect, but you can pull the blinds to shut out distractions.
If you want an outdoor office, you may just be an outdoor person. This office shed brings together your workspace along with room to store your bikes so you can enjoy outdoors to the full.