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We love grabbing popcorn at the movie theater and we also love indulging in caramel corn when we’re at the state fair. Popcorn’s one of those versatile snacks that takes us pigging out on it to remember just how much we love it; sweet, salty, doesn’t matter to us, we just want it in our bellies ASAP.

Instead of going for standard popcorn or caramel corn, we went with four totally unique popcorn recipes…and here they are: glazed cinnamon roll caramel corn, muddy buddy popcorn, cinnamon churro popcorn and sugar cookie ‘corn. These are so good, get the recipes and see which one is your favorite!

Cinnamon Roll Caramel Corn

Picture this: Saturday morning, you wake up to a tray of freshly baked cinnamon rolls that are perfectly glazed and ooey gooey and the best way to kick off your weekend. Isn’t that just the best? While we’d love a warm cinnamon roll at just about any time of day, we’ve got a twist on the classic…and it’s wayyy easier to make than traditional cinnamon rolls. Get the recipe here.

Muddy Buddy Popcorn

If, like us, you’re long-time lovers of muddy buddies (or puppy chow, as it’s also known), then we’ve got the perfect recipe for you – muddy buddy popcorn! This stuff is so good, just like the classic we know and (still) love, but reinvented slightly and perfect for upping your family movie nights. Get the recipe here.

Cinnamon Churro ‘Corn

Do you love churros but have no interest in making an authentic version for yourself? Same here. We absolutely adore eating those crispy, crunchy, fried pieces of heaven, but have no interest in making them for ourselves and instead save them for fairs and sports events. However, we’ve found a way to get that same amazing flavor that completely bypasses any vats of hot oil. Victory! Get the recipe here.

Sugar Cookie Popcorn

Are you ready for a new, sweet treat that’s perfect for any time of year, but especially for the holidays? We’ve got this easy, tasty recipe for sugar cookie popcorn that’s got all the yummy flavors of a sugar cookie, but transformed into a sweet and slightly salty treat! Forget making and rolling out the dough, preheating the oven and trying to bake sugar cookies for just the right amount of time, this is a treat that comes together in 15 minutes and only requires the microwave. Yes! Get the recipe here.