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Gym rats, unite. This is your chance to shine. As for those of us who are not as good at making our way to the gym? This one might be a little bit embarrassing.

Whenever someone checks in, they can see the last time that you arrived. If you do not believe us, you can watch this TikTok, where a gym worker breaks it all down for you.

Photo: Unsplash/Danielle Cerullo

@cdotfitness is the fitness trainer that is sharing their findings. He did a skit about the matter, as he spoke out about his feelings about those who do not keep up with their workout plans.

Of course, viewers were stunned to realize that the gym could track their visits and they wanted answers. We can’t lie, this did not come as a surprise to us.

It only makes sense that they would be tracking their visitors like this. Meanwhile, others pointed out the obvious. It is very, very difficult to cancel a gym membership once you have enrolled. That’s why so many people let theirs sit unused for such bizarre lengths of time. This is much easier than actually getting up and going to the gym, that is for sure.

Photo: Unsplash/Jonathan Borba

“When someone checks in the gym and it says ‘no check in in 1000 days,’” the video text reads. The good folks at say that there is a very good reason for this practice. As it turns out, this is done for business reasons.

“Having a growing and consistent clientele helps ensure your fitness business stays afloat, and tracking your gym attendance allows you to analyze how your gym’s attendance rate affects your business,” they stated.

Photo: Unsplash/FitNish Media

The video was polarizing, to say the least. Lots of people seemed upset by this and claimed that it is none of the gym’s business. “I haven’t been in over a year and I’m too embarrassed to go and cancel it,” said one viewer. These types of stories are probably quite common and we understand where these folks are coming from.

As one viewer pointed out, it could all be way simpler if gym members were allowed to cancel their memberships over the phone. When you make things difficult, you are always going to have these sorts of problems.