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There are many modern conveniences that we appreciate, although we might not give them the attention that they deserve. We just use them every day, not thinking about how they have enhanced our lives. One of those items is the garbage disposal. We often use them to dispose of leftover food or perhaps just to keep that part of the sink from clogging, but there is a problem that comes along with them.

If you have a garbage disposal, sooner or later, it’s going to start stinking. There is nothing quite like a fresh-smelling kitchen, so a smelly garbage disposal can really throw a wrench into the works. Fortunately, there are some ways to keep a garbage disposal from smelling and we have a few for you in this article.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

1. Clean the Disposal – Although you might think that this is a rather simple statement, many people do skip cleaning the garbage disposal. Any visible part on the outside of the disposal should be cleaned with a scrubber pad or sponge regularly. Use some dish soap and scrub it thoroughly. One place that should not be overlooked is the rim, because it has grooves that could entrap food particles that could rot.

One thing you should not do is clean the inside of the disposal. If you want the inside cleaned, it has to be unplugged and removed from the sink.

Photo: Pixabay

2. Flush the Disposal – When you fill the disposal with water, you likely already realize that it doesn’t fill to the top. That’s the way that it is designed. If you want to flush the garbage disposal properly, you have to fill the sink first and then allow it to drain down into the disposal quickly. Begin by filling the sink halfway with water and adding some vinegar. Pull the plug and turn the garbage disposal on. Let it do the work for you.

Photo: Pixabay

3. Ice and Salt – This is not often discussed but it can work wonders. Add 2 cups of ice cubes to the inside of the garbage disposal and then add a cup of rock salt. Kosher salt will also work, but regular table salt is too fine. Run cold water for up to 10 seconds and allow it to drain into the garbage disposal and then turn on the disposal. The blades will crush the ice and the salt will clean it while they are doing the work. It will also help to deodorize the inside of the disposal.

Photo: Pixabay

4. Use Citrus – Any type of citrus can be beneficial but most people prefer the scent of lemon. You can use some leftover lemons or simply slice a lemon and toss it into this disposal for about 10 seconds. If you have a strong garbage disposal, it will eventually pulverize the lemon.

Photo: Pixabay

5. Baking Soda – You can use baking soda as a cleanser for the inside of the garbage disposal. Two cups of baking soda can be poured into the garbage disposal and then add half a cup of vinegar. It will fizz, and that seems to offer some disinfecting action that will help to remove the smell.

Photo: CANVA

6. Cleaning Paste – An all-purpose cleaning paste can do wonders for the garbage disposal. Use it to clean the inside of the drain and any part of the visible garbage disposal that can easily be reached.

Photo: Amazon

7. Combine Methods – You are not limited to one of these methods but you can mix and match them as desired until you get the effect you are looking for.

Photo: CANVA

8. Be Proactive – Although most people tend to wait until the garbage disposal stinks before they do anything, you can also make it part of your routine cleaning. It is far easier to keep a clean garbage disposal clean rather than trying to catch up on it after it is already dirty.

Photo: Pixabay

Do you have any tips for keeping the garbage disposal odor-free?