Things in life are always changing, but there are some things we expect to stay the same. That includes the classic ABC song. However, even that is getting a makeover!
The new song was first shared back in 2012 and helps slow down the “LMNOP” part of the song that’s often sung through as “elemenope.” The updated tune created by Dream English helps slow that part down.

The song was initially created to help people learning English as a second language, but during the pandemic, it began to spread.
Back in the heart of 2020 lockdowns, one mother shared some very troubling news: some schools are adopting the new version of the ABC song!

TikTok user and mom of 7, @jesssfamofficial, shared the new song on the app and people were outraged.
If you are singing the song in your head right now, you need to amend it. The song changes immensely from the middle to the end. Do not say that we did not warn you.

Why on earth would they change it, though?
Check out the video that we have provided if you would like to learn more about the change:
@jesssfamofficial Just to add to your 2020 🤯😱 because distance learning wasn’t enough!!! @ms_frazzled #abcsong #lmno #wtf #momsoftiktok
The comments that we have seen say it all. “Yeah I’m never telling my kids that. If they EVER sing it that way I’m calling the teacher and having a VERY long talk with them :),” commented one viewer.
“DUDE is nothing sacred anymore?!?? it’s just unconstitutional and un-American, what would Mr. Rogers and BigBird say? what’s next new Numbers?” another one questioned. These are very valid remarks and we hope that they are taken to heart.
In the meantime, we are going to be doing everything in our power to get to the bottom of this. Some things should remain the same across all generations. That’s our take and we are sticking to it.