Have you ever gone by a mansion and wondered what it looks like on the inside? It seems as if we are not the only ones, as Jeremy Abbott and BigBankz happened upon a 10-bedroom, 11-bathroom property and had the opportunity to go inside.
The 30,000 ft.² mansion was almost completed when it was abandoned. On the inside are a wide variety of luxury items, and these two individuals, who call themselves Urban Explorers, were more than happy to go in and take a look.

According to the video shared by Abbott, the person who built the mansion was accomplished and graduated from a top medical school. He was a surgeon, a father of four, and even a pilot.
Although the mansion’s location was not revealed, they did show the inside as they walked through it. It seems as if the former owner of the mansion wanted to give his family a surprise, so he purchased the $10.5 million mansion and they were in the process of moving in.

Unfortunately, the man and one of his sons died in a plane crash while the mansion was still being constructed. The wife and the three remaining children had to pick up the pieces, as they didn’t have any financial support. It seems as if he didn’t pay the life insurance premium before he died.
Since $8 million was still owed on the mansion and $50,000 in monthly payments were mounting, they had to leave the dream home behind. For a while, someone they refer to it as a “foreigner” occupied the house until 2015 but eventually, they stopped paying taxes and move back to their home country.

Many valuables were left behind throughout the house. On the tour, you see that it has an outdoor sports complex, a beautiful library, an elevator, four car garage, and an indoor pool. Three cars were located, including a Land Rover, VW bug, and Mercedes-Benz.
Perhaps the most unusual thing was the Christmas tree that was left in the living area. Bottles of water were also in the refrigerator, and some even think that a homeless person may have been living there and escaped out the window.
Abbott said in the video: “The strangest things I found inside weren’t the luxury cars, the lush furniture, or even the flat-screen TVs. What I found so strange to be inside were the small items, like the designer clothes with the tags still on, or the Dior shoes in the closet, or perhaps the jewelry and mounds of expensive makeup in the bathroom.”
He doesn’t understand why those things were left behind because they could’ve been packed up and transported. He did say that he found the mansion when he was looking for abandoned mansions on Google.
At first, Abbott and his companion were excited to be inside the mansion but it wasn’t long before they were disappointed and a little sad about the family who had lived there and watched their dreams disappear.
After posting the video, many people were on board with what they had to say but there were others who pointed out the fact that they weren’t Urban Explorers, they were trespassers. That’s an interesting take on it.