Gooey, slightly greasy, with a wonderful chewy crust, it’s safe to say that pizza is one of the most MVPs within the realm of takeout food. A whole pie of steaming hot pizza is a delight to dig into but hard to finish in one go, so one’s inevitably burdened with leftovers. While some people can eat leftover cold food, it’s not everyone’s way to eat yesterday’s grub. This hack will turn dry cold leftover slices of pizza into a decedent cheesy crispy delight.

This hack by purewowrecipes of Instagram takes pizza and transforms it into a cheese-filled panini.

First cut off the crusts from two slices of pizza.

Place one pizza, crust side down in a buttered fry pan on medium heat and cover the top of the pizza with cheese.

Press the second slice of pizza, cheese side down, on top of the first slice of pizza.

Spread over butter on the crust side of the crust facing upwards. A garlic or herb butter would be a nice compliment to the flavors of the pizza.

Flip the sandwich over, pressing down slightly to make sure that the two slices of pizza are sticking together.

Slice in half and serve warm! The leftover pizza is a crispy cheesy delight of a panini. This was made with cheese pizza, but it’d also work great with pizza that had toppings like meat or vegetables! To watch the full reel, click here!