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This toddler managed to get his hands on some chocolate cake that was stashed in the fridge, with predictable results. When this mother refers to the ensuing massacre as a “crime scene,” we can definitely relate.

@ryanhmimen is the TikTok user who is sharing this story, as her little boy Ryan found himself in search of something for his sweet tooth.

Photo: TikTok/@ryanhmimen

By the time she is able to get to the couch, which is covered in cake crumbs, Ryan is taking a nap. Of course, the couch is barely even two months old, which only adds to the annoyance that this mother experiences.

She had to add a series of hashtags to convey the horror that she felt and we cannot stop laughing. “#troublemaker#sleepingtoddler #cakemonster #momsnightmare” indeed!

Photo: TikTok/@ryanhmimen

The clip has certainly struck a major chord, as it has already been viewed over 36 million times and received thousands of comments. While the mother seemingly posted the video thinking it was funny, many parents in the comments viewed it as irresponsible and negligent.

“The video is not funny. It is a sign of irresponsibility on the part of the parents. Who knows how long they left that child alone,” said one commentator. “Where were the parents? This didn’t happen in 5 min…..,” another added.

Photo: TikTok/@ryanhmimen

The mother didn’t address why her child was left to his own devices for long enough to cause such a ruckus, but she did post an update that her couch and Ryan were able to be cleaned up following the ordeal.

Hopefully he won’t be left alone for so long in the future! Things could’ve gone wrong real quick if he’d gotten into the medicine cabinet or instead of the fridge.


#troublemaker#sleepingtoddler#cakemonster #momsnightmare 😨😥

♬ Oh No – Kreepa