Tater tots are always going to hold a very special place in our hearts. They are crispy, delicious, and always welcome. The good folks at Sonic are glad that you feel that way. Their newest menu is sure to make the tater tots lovers around the country rejoice. Sonic Drive-In is now offering a new and unique hybrid meal that will be known as “totchos.”
Totchos combines everything you love about tater tots with the awesomeness of nachos. The tater tots are obviously used as the bottom layer and, from there, it only gets more and more incredible. Crispy bacon, jalapeno peppers, cheese sauce, onions, and zesty baja sauce make these totchos truly incredible. Is your mouth already watering? If so, feel free to join the club.

The tater tots that Sonic has to offer have long been a fan favorite. We suspect that the “totchos” are going to receive the same level of acclaim. The exciting upgrades that have been made are enough to make anyone want to stop by and take some home with them.
The geniuses at this restaurant even decided to release them during the wintertime. Can you think of a better way to warm up on an ice-cold day than by having some totchos? We certainly cannot. The costs are not going to be the same from location to location, so be sure to check your local Sonic for more details when it comes to pricing.

As a point of reference, they are going to have the same price point as the chili cheese tots and fries you’re accustomed to. This new dish is not going to be around forever, though. The totchos are heartbreakingly a limited-time item. They will be gone by the time March rolls around.
Are you off to try some Sonic totchos before they’re discontinued March 1st? If so, let us know what you think of them!