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Olympic divers will practice for many years in order to get their moment in the spotlight. They climb up to the platform, leap off, and land in the water perfectly.

Rather than hanging out to celebrate, however, they rush off quickly to the showers.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Since most Olympic divers will end up in the jacuzzi or shower immediately after getting out of the pool, it causes people to wonder why they would have that practice. It isn’t because they are concerned about catching something from the water, it is because they are concerned about their muscles.

You can find a number of articles online that deal with how diving into a pool in an air-conditioned space can be difficult on the muscles.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

It is not out of the question for them to cramp up, so jumping into the shower for a few seconds can take away some of the stress. At the same time, it helps to stop injury from being a problem.

That is why many competitors will take a hot shower and may even end up in a hot tub before it is all over. They go up to the diving platform with a towel in order to wipe themselves off, but they end up in the shower again after landing in the pool.

Photo: Pixabay/Angelo Giordano

This may lead to another question, how cold are Olympic pools? The water temperatures do vary a little bit, but they tend to be anywhere from 77°F up to 82°F or slightly warmer. There may be slightly different water temperatures, however, depending upon the sport that is being played. The water temperatures are regulated by FINA.