No matter what the occasion is, getting your significant other flowers is always a good call. That’s why we think this bouquet of roses inspired by Disney’s The Nightmare Before Christmas is such a great idea!
You can pick between red or white roses, stem sizes between 15 to 25 inches, and a guaranteed 5-day vase life…Whatever that means.
Our favorite part is the fact that they are laid inside a coffin with Sally and Jack Skellington.
“This exclusive coffin-shaped ensemble holds 20 roses and an exotic thistle that’s inspired by Sally and Jack Skellington from a scene in the movie,” the description says. “This collector’s piece takes almost an hour to build from scratch, but is worth all-time for the ultimate Nightmare experience!”
We know a ton of friends that are going to order these flowers for themselves and put them up inside their home for Halloween. At $205, it is a bit pricey but we think they are worth it.