Christmas time is officially here. Now that we have finished with Thanksgiving, it’s all about Christmas, which means freshly baked cookies, Santa Claus, reindeer, presents under the tree, decorations, and the Grinch.
We can’t forget about the Grinch, he’s very much a part of the holiday tradition, and I’m sure we know a few of them in our own personal circles as well. Well, it would seem that the Grinch is also making a comeback in holiday family portraits this year after one New Jersey mom shared a hilarious video on Instagram.
Their mom, Ashley Bohl, took her children out for Christmas photos, but it wasn’t your normal holiday shoot. While the kids were seated taking adorable pictures in front of some Christmas trees, in the background you see some green movement. Then, the kids pick up on it just as you see the Grinch emerge as the terrified kids run off screaming. The entire thing is captured on video by Bohl, and it is a hilarious Christmas prank.
But all is well that ends well, since the kids got over their fright. They even managed to pose for a few shots with the Grinch, so not all was lost.
Looks like Elf on the Shelf might be getting some competition this year as the Grinch could be a fun new tradition to bring into the mix. Imagine having one hiding around your house just to scare your kids into behaving?