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There are a lot of things that we do in America that foreigners are simply not accustomed to. That’s what makes videos like these so funny.

In a world where we often feel like we are being swamped by videos that are less than wholesome, it is nice to see one that is this fun to watch. This woman is hosting a foreign exchange student in her home at the moment.

Photo: TikTok/@josiewhite201

As shared on TikTok, the student was in the process of getting ready for the prom when they decided that they would get a spray tan.

Obviously, this is something that they had never done before and they had no idea what they should be expecting. She was clearly thinking that this would be something completely different. Her reaction was absolutely hilarious and it will make your day.

Photo: TikTok/@josiewhite201

The process did not go very smoothly but she has decided to keep a brave façade. The reaction is adorable and our heart goes out to her. @josiewhite201 is the one who is responsible for this video. We are so glad that she shared.

She is the mother of two daughters and she refers to the two exchange students that she houses as her “bonus daughters.”

Photo: TikTok/@josiewhite201

This is not the first video that she has shared of the foreign exchange students, either. The love that she has for them shines through in every clip.

We love to see people looking out for each other like this, especially when they are doing so out of the kindness of their heart.

Photo: TikTok/@josiewhite201

She refers to the spray tanning both as “the most American thing ever,” which tracks. “I just had to go into a machine, and now I look like I’ve been on vacation for like two weeks,” she shares after the process is over. Her host mother then reminds her that it will take another six hours for the color to fully process. “And I’m already that dark?!” she yelps. “I’m so scared!”

“I was in the thing, and I totally forgot to put my hair in the plastic thing, and it says, ‘3, 2, 1!’ and I was like, ‘Ohhhh shoot!'” she continued.


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Our foriegn exchange daughters 1st prom! Such an exciting day!! #foreignexchangestudent #fyp #exchangestudent #hostdaughter #swissstudent #exchangestudentlife #exchangestudent2223 #prom #promdress #prom2023

♬ feel this moment – music_for_all_world

We hope that she has fun at the prom!