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Flutter Kicks


Bodyweight exercises, like many of those featured here, all include some element of core work, engaging the abdominal muscles as a part of a total body exercise. Here we focus on the abs and flutter (or scissor) kicks are a great way to really target those abdominal muscles and build a stronger core.

Good form is important in this movement; we need to make sure that the lower back is properly positioned in order to avoid injury. Lay down on your mat and tighten the abdominal muscles to press your lower back against the floor; there should be no gap between your back and the ground. One way to protect the lower back is to place your hands underneath your hips. Next, lift your legs off of the ground and kick them in a fluttering motion while simultaneously lifting and lowering your legs.

Another option: instead of flutter Kicks, try crisscrossing your legs instead, with the same up and down motion.

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Russian Twist


Russian twists are a great way to workout your obliques, those muscles on side of our abs that help hold up our torso. It can be done with weights for added resistance and challenge. Russian twists can put some strain on your back, so be sure to keep your back straight as you complete the movement.

In a seated position on the floor, tilt your body back slightly, keeping your spine straight and shift your bodyweight to your butt. Lift your feet a couple inches off of the floor and place your hands together in front of you. Begin to twist your arms and torso to one side and your legs to the other, back and forth. This is also a fun partner exercise, where two people sit back to back and transfer a weighted ball by twisting side to side.

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Single Leg V-Ups


Single leg V-ups are a variation of the V-Up, where arms and legs are simultaneously crunched into a V position. This is a fairly intense sit up and one that should be done only when sufficient abdominal strength has already been established. The single-leg version allows for a little less strain on your back and neck while still targeting those highly coveted abdominal muscles.

For single-leg v-ups, lay fully prone on the ground, with arms extended above the head. Tighten your abdominal muscles to close the gap between your lower back and the floor. Simultaneously lift your torso and right arm to meet with a raised left leg, creating a V-shape. Return arm and leg to the floor and switch sides. This can be done quickly or slowly. Always be mindful of keeping your back straight and your abdominal muscles tight. Breathe in when lowering your arms and legs and breathe out when crunching into the v-position.

Take a quick breather, and click the NEXT PAGE button for more great bodyweight exercises!