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Accent Coach Teaches English Phrases In 20 Different Accents

There are thousands of languages on the earth but even if we speak the same language as someone nearby, that doesn’t necessarily mean we say things in the same way.

For example, take the English language. In the United States, we have the northern dialect, southern dialect, Midwestern, and almost anything in between. Some dialects are even very difficult to imitate.

Photo: Pexels/Christina Morillo

Sarah Valentine is an English actor and accent coach and she understands the need to mimic those accents very well. She also can teach how to say different phrases in different ways, even though they are all spoken using the English language.

Sarah teaches us these things on TikTok and you can see the sample phrases she gives that are repeated in 20 different ways.

Although Sarah has been working since the 1990s making TV shows, she has found a lot of success on the social media platform. She teaches actors and others one-on-one how to mimic those various dialects.

Photo: Pexels/Polina Tankilevitch

As far as her TikTok channel is concerned, Sarah teaches people by the thousands how to do the same thing. She uses phrases that were submitted in the comments and then she repeats them in 20 different ways, including Dutch, German, New York, and many others.

She even speaks about how there are different dialects within the UK, from Cockney to Welsh, Northern Irish to Yorkshire.

According to an article by Penn State linguistics professor, James Lantolf, the geographic region has an influence on the development of the local tongue.

Photo: TikTok/@actorsaccentcoach

Even though there isn’t contact between regions, the vernaculars can grow in an independent way. He also talks about how education and social standing have an effect on the vernacular of the individual.

It doesn’t matter who we are, we all have an accent. Looking to someone like Sarah Valentine as a dialect coach can help us to learn how to change our accent, with profound effect.


Replying to @Lost #youaregrounded #accentqueen #sarahvalentine #actor #actors #dialectcoach #accentcoach #accentcoaching #accentchallenge #dialectcoaching #actress #accentcoachsarahvalentine #learnaccents #actorslife #dialects #accenthelp #accents #accentmasterclass #actorsaccentcoach #AmericanAccent #generalamerican #generalamericanaccent #StandardBritishAccent #DevonshireAccent #GermanAccent #ScottishAccent #geordieAccent #brummieAccent #YorkshireAccent #ScouseAccent #IrishAccent #RussianAccent CockneyAccent, #SouthAfricanAccent #NorthernIrishAccent #NewZealandAccent #KiwiAccent #BritishRP #BritishRPAccent #NewYorkAccent #AustralianAccent #WelshAccent #FrenchAccent #SouthernAccent #JamaicanAccent #westCountryAccent #SpanishAccent #CanadianAccent #DutchAccent

♬ You are grounded – Accent Queen Sarah Valentine


Replying to @tiare #bombasticsideeye #accentqueen #sarahvalentine #actor #actors #dialectcoach #accentcoach #accentcoaching #accentchallenge #dialectcoaching #actress #accentcoachsarahvalentine #learnaccents #actorslife #dialects #accenthelp #accents #accentmasterclass #actorsaccentcoach #AmericanAccent #generalamerican #generalamericanaccent #StandardBritishAccent #DevonshireAccent #GermanAccent #ScottishAccent #geordieAccent #brummieAccent #YorkshireAccent #ScouseAccent #IrishAccent #RussianAccent CockneyAccent, #SouthAfricanAccent #NorthernIrishAccent #NewZealandAccent #KiwiAccent #BritishRP #BritishRPAccent #NewYorkAccent #AustralianAccent #WelshAccent #FrenchAccent #SouthernAccent #JamaicanAccent #westCountryAccent #SpanishAccent #CanadianAccent #DutchAccent

♬ Bombastic Side Eye (Criminal Offensive) – Casa Di & Steve Terrell & Imfaomal


Replying to @DiegosContent oh ues we do!! 😂😂😂 so serious #accentqueen #sarahvalentine #actor #actors #dialectcoach #accentcoach #accentcoaching #accentchallenge #dialectcoaching #actress #accentcoachsarahvalentine #learnaccents #actorslife #dialects #accenthelp #accents #accentmasterclass #actorsaccentcoach #AmericanAccent #generalamerican #generalamericanaccent #StandardBritishAccent #DevonshireAccent #GermanAccent #ScottishAccent #geordieAccent #brummieAccent #YorkshireAccent #ScouseAccent #IrishAccent #RussianAccent CockneyAccent, #SouthAfricanAccent #NorthernIrishAccent #NewZealandAccent #KiwiAccent #BritishRP #BritishRPAccent #NewYorkAccent #AustralianAccent #WelshAccent #FrenchAccent #SouthernAccent #JamaicanAccent #westCountryAccent #SpanishAccent #CanadianAccent #DutchAccent

♬ original sound – Accent Queen Sarah Valentine

We might try a different accent to have a little fun or perhaps to land the perfect job. Regardless of how you look at it, however, having an accent is something you should be proud of. Learning another one is akin to learning a second language, and although it is difficult, it may be well worth it in the end.