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New Zealand Police’s emergency line had never received a call like this one, we are willing to bet. While we would never suggest emulating this call in your own life, little kids have a way of getting away with things that the average person could not.

This story certainly serves as a prime example of this. There was no incident, either, just an amazingly cute story for all of us to enjoy. We are glad that this emergency line decided to share the call.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

In their words, it was too cute not to share and we agree with them 100 percent. There are certain things that need to be shared with the general public so that we are able to enjoy the moment as well. Parents with little ones at home are sure to relate.

The story begins with a little boy calling 111 (the 911 equivalent in New Zealand to North America). He did not have an emergency to report or anything so severe. No, this young man had a completely different objective in mind. The emergency dispatcher’s response to the situation is priceless. They do not miss a single beat along the way.

Photo: Pexels/Polesie Toys

The little boy knows exactly what he wants, too. When the dispatcher calmly asks the little boy what the problem is, he is quick to respond to her question with a question.

The manner in which he phrases the query is absolutely priceless as well. “Police lady…can I tell you something?” he asks. Little kids love doing that. They are always asking if they can tell you something, which is just part of their hilarious charm. Kudos to the emergency dispatcher for remaining patient and kind.

Photo: Instagram/newzealandpolice

It is not always easy to navigate these types of situations when you work a high-stress job like this one. She’s a true gem for this one and we give her all of the props in the world for her pleasant disposition.

As it turns out the sweet boy just wanted to show the police officers his cool toys! The officers did end up going to his house to see his toys (and check to make sure there wasn’t actually an emergency). The boy got to show off his toys and see the police car and lights. How cute!

You can hear the full exchange between the dispatcher and child in the video below: