When we go to a swimming pool, we often want to show our individuality. This is sometimes seen in the swimsuits we choose to wear
When we are a parent, we make choices for our children. They may also have some say in the matter, but we want them to look good.

The problem is we can sometimes make decisions that put our children at risk. A certified infant swimming instructor named Nikki Scarnati is helping us to see how this may be possible.
Scarnati posted a video on TikTok showing how dangerous it is to wear a blue swimming suit in the water. She used her own daughter to show how the children practically disappear under the water’s surface when they are wearing blue.

Since being posted, the video has been viewed millions of times. You can clearly see her daughter’s blonde hair as it bobs above the water, but when you look under the surface, the blue blends in.
In the video, you can hear her talking about her daughter and how difficult it is to spot her under the water because her swimming suit is the same color as the environment.

She went on to say that is the reason why blue bathing suits are not a good choice for the swimming pool. She also mentioned that it was calm water, so if you have the commotion of a lot of other children playing and splashing, it can be even more difficult.
Ultimately, she recommended that parents do not buy blue bathing suits but that they purchase bright suits.
@scarnati.swim Just dont do it! Why think about which bathing suits for the splash pad? Just buy bright ones!! ☀️☀️ #selfrescue #selfrescueswimming #selfrescueswim #watersafety #drowningpreventionawareness #springhillisd
Many people came on to comment and thank her for the advice. They couldn’t agree more, and it’s difficult to know how many lives she may have saved with this one video.