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The chairman and co-founder of AriZona Iced Tea, Don Vultaggio, recently provided comforting news during a CNBC interview. The tall 23-ounce cans of AriZona iced tea will still be sold for 99 cents for the foreseeable future.

Costs may be rising due to inflation but that does not matter to this company. They are on our side here, with Don claiming that “for as long as we can, we’re going to hold our price.”

Photo: flickr/Hilda Solis

The world is currently experiencing inflation that is higher than it has been in the last 40 years but that does not matter to the good folks at AriZona. The billion-dollar company is family owned and they are doing everything they can to avoid a price hike.

Don is not willing to waver from his strategy and we can see why. After all, it has worked magnificently over the course of the past 30 years.

Photo: flickr/Mike Mozart

“I tell people every day I go to a gunfight with Coke and Pepsi. I have a water gun and they have machine guns. And the way I succeed is by doing things differently,” Vultaggio said in the interview. He’s found some great methods, too. He is not here to play the same game as the other beverage giants.

For example, did you know that AriZona does not really rely on any traditional advertising at all? They look to spread the word about their products the good old-fashioned way. They rely on word of mouth, an increased sales volume, and decreased manufacturing costs. There is also a massive emphasis on the actual quality of the beverages themselves.

Photo: flickr/Madeline

No AriZona product is ever released without receiving the necessary approval from Don himself, either. “I know what drives our base… We taste good consistently. We look good consistently, and we’re priced fairly consistently,” he says. This is very good news in these trying times and we hope that Arizona is able to stick to this plan for as long as possible.

After all, we could all use a break from the constant annoyances that are associated with inflation. Kudos to Don for seeing the bigger picture and doing everything that he can to relieve a little bit of the financial pressure that we are all feeling at the moment.