When we stop to think about all of the different things we have done in life, we may come to the realization that we are nowhere near finishing what is on our bucket list.
In fact, we may find that our list of things we would like to do continues to grow as time goes by.

Although there is some benefit to aspiring to greater things, there are also times when you just need to throw in the towel and realize that you will never be able to do certain items. For example, I would love to climb Mount Everest but it is doubtful that I will ever have the opportunity to do so.
What do you do if you can’t live out one of your dreams? You can live it through the experience of others. Living vicariously through others is a great way to learn lessons in life and to do things secondhand that you will never get to do firsthand.

If you are somebody who has ever thought about riding a roller coaster down a Swiss mountain, then you may be in a similar situation. You can save your pennies and head to the area in order to do so or you can simply experience it through the experience of others.
Fortunately, if you are someone who would like to ride the Swiss mountain roller coaster down into the Oeschienen Valley, you have the benefit of a beautiful point-of-view video. It was shot in 4K by Mark, a daredevil who works with The Flying Dutchman.

As you watch the twists and turns through some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, you will think of two different things. You may want to do it even more or perhaps, you might decide that seeing the video was enough excitement for you.
You can enjoy it here: