Dating isn’t what it used to be. Before, if you wanted to meet someone new, you had to go out on a Friday night with friends and see where the night took you.
Now, there is a lot more convenient option to stay at home on a Friday night in your comfiest sweatpants and swipe through a buffet of local singles, waiting for a match to appear on your phone screen.
While it sounds so much better than having to put on real clothes and leave your house, online dating does come with its drawbacks. The main drawback is that you could potentially fall for a catfish.
Sometimes, despite our better judgment, that can occasionally happen. Unfortunately, online dating makes it super easy for someone to pretend to be whoever they want to be. One woman, Jocelyn, recently went online to share her dating experience with a man she met on Bumble.
Like many other people, Jocelyn had downloaded the app and started her quest to see what was out there. The way Bumble works is, “women always make the first move” on the dating app, meaning when Jocelyn came across a guy – Myles – who she thought was cute, it was her move to send the first message. And she did.
It wasn’t long into their conversation through the app that Jocelyn passed along her phone number to Myles so that he could text her in regards to setting up a dinner between them. At this point, Jocelyn hadn’t noticed any red flags. However, that was quick to change as soon as Myles texted her.
The first thing that Jocelyn noticed about Myles’ texts was that they were all green. Jocelyn is an iPhone user, meaning that texts between other iPhone users should always be blue. Texting with other phones, such as Androids, always results in the messages being green. This meant that Myles didn’t have an iPhone, something Jocelyn wouldn’t normally be bothered by, only it meant that man texting her wasn’t the same man in the photos.
Why? Because the photos that Jocelyn had seen featured Myles wearing an Apple watch – and an Apple watch can only be used if you have an iPhone 6s version or later.
Check out the TikTok video down below:
@jjustjocelyn as if dating wasn’t hard enough already #greenscreenvideo #datingapp #datingfail #catfish #catfishstory #storytime #2022 #couplegoals #fyp #bumble
That’s some pretty incredible detective work on her part, don’t you think?
Following the video, Jocelyn later shared an update video in which she explained that Myles never replied to her text. While she can’t be 100% sure why that was, she is in fact certain that his Bumble account has since been deleted. In fact, Bumble replied to her first video about the Myles incident, stating, “We’re so sorry to hear about this! We’ve found the member and permanently removed them.”
Have you ever been catfished on a dating site before? What are your dating horror stories? Let us know!