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Household chores are a major drag. We spend so much time working and then we come home… do more work. There are certain household chores that we would pay money to avoid. For many of us, the shower cleaning process is the one that we hate to tackle the most.

After all, who likes scrubbing mildew from the shower on a constant basis? It’s a horrible task and it is also rough on the knees and back. Luckily, YouTuber Katie Sottile let us in a little DIY solution that will forever change the way you clean the shower.

Photo: Pixabay

All you need to get started are a few simple household items: a dish scrub brush with a built-in soap dispenser, distilled vinegar, and liquid dish soap.

Now, all you have to do is pour the dish soap and vinegar into the built-in soap dispenser and you are ready to rock and roll.

The vinegar functions as a natural form of disinfectant. The dish soap is able to combat the mildew and grime that builds up in the shower over time. Once you are done with the scrub brush, rinse the shower thoroughly and you are all finished. It’s truly that easy.

Check out this video to learn more: