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If you’ve ever spilled a glass of red wine, you realize that it is a very stressful moment. Even before the wine hits the furniture, shirt, or carpet, you start thinking about how it is going to permanently stain whatever it hits.

Although we do our best not to spill red wine, it is bound to happen and if we serve it regularly at get-togethers, it is even more of a possibility.

Photo: Pixabay/Skitterphoto

This could stress you out and may make you turn to another beverage unless you know the secret of using some common household products to remove the stain lickety-split.

According to Good Housekeeping, you can get started by blotting the liquid and removing it as much as possible as soon as possible. If you are able to remove most of the wine before the stain sets, then you may not have a problem with staining in the first place. A cloth, sponge, or paper towel can be used.

Photo: flickr/Rosenfeld Media

You should then treat the area with a wine-specific removal product, such as Wine Away. If you are able to do it quickly enough, you can allow the product to sit in the area for five minutes and remove the rest of the residue by blotting it.

If you have already spilled the wine and don’t have the proper cleaning supplies, then a cleaning solution of three parts water and one part baking soda should do the trick. Apply it to the stain, allow it to dry, and vacuum away the paste. Something similar can be done with two parts salt and one part white distilled vinegar.

Photo: Pixabay/NatureFriend

If the wine spills on furniture, use 1/2 teaspoon of liquid dish soap with 2 cups of cool water. Apply with a sponge, soaking it up as much as possible and then rinsing it with some plain water.

If your shirt was the victim of the wine spill, make sure that you get as much of the wine out of the cloth before you throw it in the washing machine. You can try spraying on a stain remover or hitting it with some hairspray if no stain remover is available.


Have a clean, dry cloth or paper towel available to blot the spot dry after a few minutes. Another method is to stretch the clothing over a bowl with a rubber band and sprinkle it with salt. Pour some hot water through the cloth into the bowl. Make sure that you wash in on the warm setting after this is complete and use some fabric-safe bleach.

You can then take a deep breath and go back to what you are doing beforehand.