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No need to buy an expensive coffee maker, because the best way to make coffee is the cowboy way. This simple brewing method doesn’t have a crazy process, and it’s the easiest way to get a smooth cup of coffee, no milk or cream to cover up the bitter taste, because there isn’t any bitterness. Seems like a win-win situation, but to make sure you got all of the steps correct, follow this real-life chuckwagon cook’s tips.

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Kent Rollins is popular for presenting his cowboy cooking lifestyle to the world, whether it be on television or YouTube, this no-frills down-to-earth humble and funny host gladly shows what it is like to cook and live as the cowboys do. For cowboys, he states, coffee is the first thing they drink in the morning and the last thing they drink at night, it’s pinnacle for a chuckwagon cook to make a perfect pot of coffee.

The steps are pretty simple: first, you warm up water, and before it reaches a simmer, you can ¼ cup of coffee grounds for every 1 cup of coffee.

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Bring the water to a rolling simmer, and then let it boil until the water looks smooth and not filled with a lot of bubbles, about a 2 to 5 minutes. Remember, the more you boil the coffee, the stouter and thicker it will become. After a few minutes, remove the coffee from the heat and add ½ to 1 cup of cold water, pouring the water around the edge of the pot.

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Pouring cold water around the edges sounds like a weird step, but it helps settle the coffee grounds down to the bottom of the pot.

So why is cowboy coffee so easy to drink? The smoothness comes from this no-filter method. A coffee bean’s natural oil coats the tongue, blocking the bitter drying taste we all associate with a black cup of coffee, unfortunately modern machines have so many filters that eliminate these subtle aromatic oils. Since the cowboy coffee brewing method keeps the the oils in the coffee, there’s really no need for milk, the coffee is just as smooth as Rollins claims.

Via: YouTube

Leftover cowboy coffee can be stored easily in the fridge, just heat it up in a saucepan for that perfect warm morning cup of joe!