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An Olive Garden manager has learned a very important lesson in the hardest way possible. They needed to learn about the importance of being kind during the holiday season and unfortunately, they had to lose their job in order for that point to get across.

So, why on earth were they treating their employees so poorly? The reasoning does not make sense to us, if we are being honest.

Photo: Flickr/Mike Mozart License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

Parent company Darden was forced to take action in the wake of the viral message. The Kansas manager’s message is spreading on social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit, where people have been appalled at what they see.

Olive Garden has already struggled immensely with inflation-related setbacks and cannot afford any more issues of this nature. The memo that this manager wrote is one of the most maniacal things that we have ever seen.

“From now on, if you call off, you might as well go out and look for another job,” they began. We’re already off to an insane start! From there, it only gets worse. We can see why they got fired. “If you’re sick, you need to come prove it to us. If your dog died, you need to bring him in and prove it to us,” they continued. What in the world?

Did this manager really advocate for their employees to transport the corpse of their dead pet? They sure did. Current staffing shortages had them losing their mind, as they told any employee that says they are having a “family emergency” that they will need to know more about the extent of it.

Photo: Flickr/osseous License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

“If you can’t say, too bad,” the memo continues. They are essentially implying that anyone who does not explain their emergency will lose their job and these motivations are laid bare as the memo continues. “If anyone calls out more than ONCE in the next 30 days, you will not have a job.” The manager believes that they are qualified to say this because of their perfect attendance record, which they rubbed in readers’ faces.

“I came in sick. I got in a wreck literally on my way to work on time, airbags went off and my car was totaled, but you know what, I made it to work, ON TIME!” they raged. “There are no more excuses. If you’re here to work and want to work, then work.”

Photo: Flickr/Mike Mozart License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.0

According to KCTV5, the company acted quickly. “This message is not aligned with our company’s values,” a Darden representative says. “We can confirm we have parted ways with this manager.”

Good riddance!