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My husband was working security at an apartment complex 2 years ago as he was making his rounds he came across a group of teenagers kicking something around. When he realized it was a kitten, he headed toward them, but the group took off running. The kitten came right up his leg and sat on his shoulder.


He was about 4 weeks old. This fur baby had a burn on the back of his neck and was skin and bones. We already had 6 cats. My husband called me and said he was bringing the cat home so that I could bathe and feed this little guy, but we couldn’t keep him.


I took care of him, nursed him back to health, and tried so hard to find him a loving home. No one wanted the little guy, so we kept him.

He follows us everywhere, which is why we ended up naming him Shadow. I am so glad we kept him. Despite his namesake, this cat is the light of our life. He sits on a footstool in the kitchen every night when I make dinner. He even puts his front paws on the counter and watches.


He loves hugs and kisses and loves to play fetch. He’s so smart, he loves family hugs, and likes to jump from the floor onto our shoulder if we aren’t paying attention to him.

Shadow reminds me of a small child. After losing our daughter in 2010, it is nice to have a cat like him around who brings us such playful, child-like joy. He is so unique and sweet. Out of all of our cats, he is the only one that loves our large dogs. We are so very happy we kept him we are truly blessed with all 8 of our cats.

Do you have a rescue story? Share it here!

Originally posted by The Animal Rescue Site.