If you have kids of your own, you know how attached they can be to phones when you let them. It makes sense to us. After all, they see us on them all the time and they want to copy.
They see the phone as an extension of you. So, why wouldn’t they want to emulate that? Whether you are indulging in mindless scrolling or using it to actually get things done, it does not matter to them. They simply want to follow in our footsteps.

Unfortunately, the last thing that we want is for our children to get addicted to having a certain amount of screen time. It simply is not good for their developing brains. That’s why this mother is here to share her method for keeping her phone away from her toddler.
This hack is not only genius, but it is also hysterical. You can find this mother at @farahpinkk on TikTok. “I always feel like a piece of s–t when I’m on my phone and my daughter is playing by herself so I bought a fake book so I can hide my phone in it,” she says in her video.

We cannot stop laughing and it only gets funnier when you take a look at the hollowed-out book.
This woman really purchased this insane item, just to make sure that her daughter was not getting any smart ideas about Mom being on her phone all day. “The pages look pretty real but you can only flip the first few pages. Then here in the middle, you can stick your phone in it,” she explains to the audience.

From there, she offers up helpful demonstrations to any parents who are wondering how this plan works when it is actually put into action. “She’s gonna think I’m reading but really I’m on my phone and she’s gonna be playing. I’m setting a really good example,” she claims.
Sometimes, all parents need a break of their own, so that they can zone out as well. Meanwhile, others pointed out another obvious point. The child is eventually going to catch on and grab the book from their mother.
Until then, we hope that she is able to enjoy her me time. She’s only got so long before the little one is able to put two and two together, that is for sure!