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How To Get Silk Off Your Corn With This Handy Tip

When it comes time to husk your corn before you make corn on the cob, you have to deal with the annoying silk. No one likes dealing with it, but fortunately, we now know that there is a better way to go about this task.

Chef John from Food Wishes shared an easy tip to remove the silk and it’s a true game-changer.

Photo: Max Pixel

From the looks of it, he has already removed all of the dirty leaves from the outside of the husk before he gets started. This is a key aspect of the equation and it obviously makes life much easier.

From there, he takes the corn with the husk still on and places it in the microwave for 3 and a half minutes.

Photo: YouTube/Food Wishes

You will want to grab a towel once it is done so that you do not end up burning your hands in the process of taking it out of the microwave. You’ll also want to make sure that you grab a cutting board for the next step.

Photo: YouTube/Food Wishes

The bottom hinge is sliced off and it is easy to push on the tapered end to slide the corn cub right out. We could hardly believe our eyes!

Of course, some of the viewers of this video have claimed that they were using this tactic for years and we can see why. Once you have mastered it, you will never have to deal with the cumbersome silk again.

Photo: YouTube/Food Wishes

One of the commentators suggests putting yours in the microwave for a period of at least four minutes for the best possible results.

Watch the video below: