The adventures that other people have with makeup are too funny to us, even when they are not supposed to be.
The mother in this story decided to embrace henna freckles and the results are absolutely hilarious. The results will have you cackling, as she even managed to scare her own child with the transformation that took place. Her husband was stunned, too. Even she could not resist the urge to shriek at what she saw.

So what happened here, exactly? It’s a lot to take in, of course. She wanted to look like a beautiful princess out of a fairy tale but the end result is far more comparable to Princess Fiona.
Takwa Larsen, 26, hails from Turkey but this is a story that is sure to resonate all over the world. “I would never do this again,” she said on TikTok, in a moment that many readers are sure to relate to.

After all, we have all had mishaps like these, whether we shared them with the internet or not. Kudos to her for at least being willing to have a sense of humor about this whole debacle. The scariest part of all is not that she looks like an ogre princess, either. It is that the henna freckles did not seem to want to come off once she was ready to remove them.
“OMG it is not coming off!” she exclaimed and our hearts went out to her. This has to be such a bitter pill to swallow. She’s got all sorts of green dots covering her face and they do not want to leave, despite all of her best efforts.

Sadly, the dye also ended up leaking into her mouth, leaving her with an even bigger problem: Her teeth turned yellow! That is a bridge too far for us and we would have been freaking out as well.
An electric face-cleaning brush was used to remove the majority of the freckles but some blemishes remained even after they broke out the big guns.
“I think you bought a shreck potion,” teased one viewer and we cannot stop laughing. It’s one of the funniest things that we have seen in some time. Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks that they are going to draw on their own freckles.