Through natural disasters, wars, and conflicts a cameraman keeps filming, epitomizing the phrase “the show must go on.” It was surprising to see what happened when a cameraman dropped his camera to help those in need.

While many people evacuate spots for a hurricane, meteorologists turn towards the storm and chase it. There was no exception for this 7 News Australian weather team duo who went out to Naples, Florida, to document the disaster of hurricane Ian.

The powerful winds, pelting rain, and rough flood waters made it hard for the cameraman and reporter to stay safe and steady. A few seconds into the live news segment, you see people wading in the waters behind the reporter.

There’s no pause, keeping the camera angle on the scene unfolding, the cameraman, Glen Ellis, rests his camera on the ground and runs into the water to help the hurricane victims struggling to carry their possessions whilst carrying pets or children.

Ellis doesn’t just do this once. He goes back into the water multiple times, helping people carry their supplies and possessions to higher ground. Once everyone is up on the higher ground, the cameraman goes back to filming.
The reporter names the cameraman, showing where due credit is needed. For people reporting, it’s always a fine line between reporting and interacting with the scene occurring around them. But here, compassion overtook the need to film. Helping people, as the cameraman did, shows that there still is a level of humanity out in the world.