Aquariums and zoos can be fun but we are never going to be able to forget that we are in danger at all times. While some may disagree with this assessment, we must remind you that we are only separated from these wild animals by a layer of thick glass. If anything were to happen to said glass, we would be in a lot of trouble.
That’s what makes this story such a scary one. Those who find themselves wondering what would happen if the glass were to break will want to take a much closer look at this one.

We would all like to think that the glass would never break but this is a lesson that these visitors learned the hard way. It actually is possible for these aquariums to shatter.
One Berlin hotel held a massive aquarium for guests to enjoy, an aquarium that housed some 1,500 exotic fish and stood a whopping 46 feet tall. Located in the foyer of the hotel, the aquarium also had an elevator that allowed guests to take a closer look at the fish as they are making their way through the establishment.

Now, the aquarium (which goes by the AquaDom) is no longer in existence. The hotel’s guests were recently woken up to a very loud bang, as the glass burst and the fish were expelled from their home. The water poured everywhere, making its way into the street outside, as well as the lobby. According to The Telegraph, glass from the broken aquarium injured two people.
According to CNN, Berlin’s mayor, Franziska Giffey, says that the break led to the leakage of 1 million liters of water. 264,000 gallons came pouring out, posing a major problem for the hotel.

Some of the fish were able to remain in the waters that were left behind but many others passed away as a result of the incident. The owners of the aquarium are doing their best to assist any fish that remain alive.
“We are dismayed at the accident and wish the two injured persons all the best and a speedy recovery. We would also like to express our dismay to our affected tenants,” said real estate investment company Union Investment, according to CNN. The hotel remains closed at the moment and any guests that have been displaced will be given the chance to stay at other Raddison hotels.
If you would like to learn more about what took place here, please be sure to check out the video below: