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2. Half Avocado And Half Butter

Avocado is a “super food” because it’s packed with loads of health benefits for being such a small fruit. Loaded with potassium and the proper amount of heart-healthy fats, avocados are a simple but effective baking-hack. Because it doesn’t melt, make sure your batters don’t dry out by adding more of your liquid ingredients. Transform your dishes with this little, light green helper!

1. Egg White Hack!

Did you know that you could replace a whole egg with two egg whites? You absolutely can, and it cuts down on cholesterol. Adding more egg whites also increases the amount of protein your recipes contain. For recipes that use a lot of eggs, consider keeping some of your yolks in order to preserve their vitamin content.

Try out these ingredient hacks and let us know which is your favorite! Do you have a favorite of your own?