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It’s no secret that jello is a staple in many retro recipes. Who knew it could be used in desserts, savory dishes, and “salads?” We’ve experimented with a few of our own jello recipes, including Shrimp Jello Salad, Dr. Pepper Cherry Salad, and Peach Pretzel Jello Salad. Now let me introduce you to: 7-Up Mayonnaise Jello Salad!


It’s hard to imagine a recipe where 7-Up and mayo make a great team, but this jello salad is still a staple for many families, especially around the holidays. It’s easy to see why Christmas would be a great occasion to serve this dish up; the colors are so bright and festive, after all. Let’s take a look at the ingredients and recipe, then you can decide for yourself if you want to make this for your next family gathering!


First, melt 7-Up and marshmallows in a saucepan on medium heat, string constantly to prevent the sugar from sticking to the pan and burning. Once the mixture is clear and all the marshmallows have melted, mix in a packet of lime jello. After the jello is fully incorporated, it’s time to toss in cream cheese cubes! Yes, this salad really packs in the creamy, goodness – as long as you can handle the mayo.


Next, mix in your fruits. Crushed pineapple and maraschino cherries add to the tangy, sweet flavor profile of the dish. Both complement the almost sour lime jello, as well as the lemon-lime flavors in 7-Up.

Once the fruit is evenly mixed in, it’s time for our favorite part – mayo whipped cream! Dump the mayonnaise into a large bowl, along with whipped cream. Stir to combine. Then, pour in the lime jello mixture and fold it into the whipped cream until fully incorporated. All that’s left to do is pour the jello into a mold and let it set up in the fridge for at least 5 hours.


There’s no denying the end product looks like a page right out of a 60s cooking magazine! I can see why this fun, if not a bit odd recipe was so popular back in the day.

So, how does it taste? This “salad” is definitely sweet; how could it not be with marshmallows, 7-Up, and maraschino cherries? However, some of that sweetness is offset by the tart cream cheese and vinegary mayo. The texture may surprise you – it’s less jello-like and more ice cream-like. With the added liquids, sugars, and dairy products, the jello doesn’t set quite the same way. However, if you’re looking for a fluffy, sweet retro recipe, this is certainly the one for you!


See the full recipe and a taste-test in the video below!