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Zucchini Drop Biscuits 6-min copy

Any fellow gardener knows that when the summer squash starts coming on you’ve gotta be ready with recipes or else you’ll be drowning in it! We’ve experimented with many uses over the years from “noodles” to baked goods to chips, but this was our first foray into Zucchini Biscuits… and what a successful foray it was! Sweet and nutty shredded zucchini is thoroughly drained and mixed with cheddar cheese for a savory treat that compliments any summer meal. With no kneading or rising, these biscuits couldn’t be much easier to make. Let’s get into the ingredient list…

Zucchini Drop Biscuits 1-min
Zucchini Drop Biscuits 2-min
Zucchini Drop Biscuits 4-min

You’ll find the typical baking staples for the base of the dough: flour, baking powder, and salt. Then, the secret to these biscuits: draining as much liquid out of the zucchini as possible. Once shredded, set the zuc in a colander or mesh strainer and liberally salt it to encourage drainage. Let the salted zucchini sit for 15 minutes then wring it out with a clean dish towel or paper towel.

Zucchini Drop Biscuits 3-min
Zucchini Drop Biscuits 6-min
Zucchini Drop Biscuits 8-min

We added in some garlic, red pepper, and chopped green onion to give these biscuits a little kick. Feel free to adjust to your spice preference. There’s little shaping necessary with a drop biscuit, just scoop dough and plop it down on a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake them for about 25 minutes and, easy as that, your Zucchini Drop Biscuits are ready to enjoy!

Zucchini Drop Biscuits 7-min

Zucchini Drop Biscuits 5-min

Yield(s): Makes 12 biscuits

15m prep time

25m cook time

15m inactive

Rated 4.7 out of 5
Rated by 116 reviewers
When you share or print a 12 Tomatoes recipe,
you're making mealtime meaningful.
100% of the Share to Care sponsor fees fund meals for families in need. Learn More
  • 1 ½ cups shredded zucchini
  • 2 ¼ cups flour
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • 1 ½ teaspoons salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • Red pepper flakes to taste
  • ⅓ cup cold butter, cubed
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 ½ cups shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/3 cup diced green onion
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Line a mesh colander with a clean dish towel or a few paper towels. Add shredded zucchini then generously salt to encourage draining. Toss and let sit for 15 minutes, then squeeze to remove as much liquid as possible.
  3. As zucchini drains, add flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and red pepper flakes to a large mixing bowl and sift together. Use a fork or pastry cutter to work in the cold butter until mixture is crumbly.
  4. Add in the milk, egg, cheese, green onion, and drained zucchini. Mix until just combined.
  5. Scoop dough onto the prepared baking sheet spacing about 2 inches apart. The dough should make 12 biscuits.
  6. Bake for 24-26 minutes or until golden on top. Serve warm!

Recipe adapted from