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In a world where everyone seems to be cynical and crabby all of the time, we love to see people who have not allowed their inner child to perish.

These people are truly fun to be around and we live for these moments. After all, things do not have to be so downbeat all of the time. Letting life whisk you away is fun; this weatherman knows it.

Photo: Instagram/@dutraweather

We love videos like these for another crucial reason as well. Who doesn’t love to see random occurrences like these when you are watching the evening news? The news can be so boring and predictable. It’s always nice to see something unexpected happen for a change. We are not sure how anyone in the room could have possibly kept a straight face, though.

You see, this weatherman was using the screen to tell the audience about the current and future weather conditions in the same manner that he normally would. However, he did not know that the screen was a touchscreen! Wait until you see his reaction once he realizes that the screen can actually be manipulated by the human touch.

Photo: Instagram/@dutraweather

He’s so wholesome about it, it makes us smile ear to ear. Meteorologist Greg Dutra did not make this discovery during a rehearsal, either. It happened during a moment when we all got to see and that’s the best part of all. “I can do that?!” is the perfect reaction and we hope that he makes good use of this functionality going forward.

Hopefully, there are other videos where we get to see him having fun learning how to use all of the different functions. The possibilities here have to be endless.

Photo: Instagram/@dutraweather

If you would like to learn more about this awesome weatherman’s reactions to this incredible revelation, please be sure to check out his Instagram account. He’s rapidly becoming one of our favorite follows.

“This wasn’t in the training manual! @terrellbrownabc7 @valwarnertv and I took it OFF THE RAILS when I learned the tv is a touch screen on @abc7chicago #weather #bloopers #tv,” the caption reads.

We would politely disagree with the “off the rails” assessment. We thought that it was sweet and charming! These local viewers are so lucky to have such a cool weatherman to tune into every day.