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It seems like every time that we come across a new or interesting hack that is designed to help us out at home, vinegar is involved. It’s quite versatile and can be used in a wide range of instances.

Some use it for cleaning, but others use it for their gardens.

Photo: Pixabay/NatureFriend

We love to watch our gardens bloom during this time of year but unfortunately, weeds are also a major part of that equation. How do we avoid this problem going forward? Weeds will choke out even the most well-kept garden if we are not careful.

Of course, we don’t want to use certain weed killers like RoundUp that can harm the environment and soil. Having something natural is so crucial for keeping the world healthy.

So, how can we avoid the weeds? As it turns out, vinegar can be used as a natural weed killer!


Don’t worry about the variety of vinegar that you have available. All of them are proficient when it comes to killing weeds. Vinegar is especially effective in these instances because it will remove the weeds and ensure that they are unable to return any time soon. You’re not going to be able to do much better than this!

Be careful with how you spray the vinegar on your weeds, though. Don’t expose the non-weeds in your garden to the vinegar or you are going to have a whole lot of dead plants on your hands.

Photo: flickr/woodleywonderworks

To make sure that the weeds do not come back, you’ll want to add some salt to the vinegar. A gallon of distilled vinegar, a cup of table salt, and a spray bottle are all you need.

Mix them all together and you have got yourself a full-fledged weed killer on your hands, my friends.

Photo: Pixabay/Carola68 Die Welt ist bunt

Don’t spray the solution on windy days or you risk damage to the surrounding plants. Make sure that the spray is only touching the weeds that you want to clear out. Don’t overdo it with this solution either, or you are going to damage your soil long term.

Happy gardening, everyone!