Trader Joe’s Cashier Notices Emotional Customer And Goes Out Of His Way To Make Her Day Brighter
My mom always said that a small act of kindness can go a long way. For one woman shopping at Trader Joe’s, she was moved to tears by one employee’s small act of kindness. It’s one that definitely leaves the viewer being reminded that there are still good people out in the world.
The woman, Danielle Blakey, took to her TikTok account to share the story, and it is so sweet.

She shared it as a reminder to others that their seemingly small act of kindness towards another person can definitely have huge impacts and positively change someone’s day for the better.
Blakey began the video by expressing that she’s been going through a really difficult time personally.

She was having a very bad day but had to stop at Trader Joe’s in order to pick up some groceries. She said she got up to the cash register, and she was having trouble masking her emotions.
Blakey said she could tell that the employee could tell she was struggling, and he kept trying to chat to her but she was finding it difficult to keep the conversation going. That is when the cashier told her that he would be right back. She assumed he went to help out one of his coworkers, but instead, he came back with a surprise for her: a bouquet of flowers.

“I started bawling, crying in the grocery store,” Blakely recalled, adding, “To whoever was checking me out at the Dallas-Greenville location, thank you so much.”
Check out the full TikTok video below:
@dabaaaabyyy I know my content is mostly relationship/dating but i had to share this. One small act of kindness can literally change someones whole day. #dallas #traderjoes #smallactsofkindness #traderjoesreviews #dallaslovelist #kindnessmatters
What do you think of this cashier’s random act of kindness? Have you ever had a really nice cashier before? What was your experience? Let us know!