We love to learn more about the various hacks that have been eluding us for all of these years. It does not matter how old you are when you learn, either. As long as we are learning, we are happy.
This is definitely a “today years old” hack if we have ever seen one. The most recent hack that we have to share with you is centered around Christmas lights.

Now that the holidays are squarely upon us, everyone is looking to get the most out of their Christmas lights. If you are not currently seated, you may want to grab a chair. This one could surprise you. Anyone who has ever purchased Christmas lights has probably taken notice of this already. The box will usually contain a spare red Christmas light, right?
All these years, we had assumed that this light was provided to us so that we would have a spare in case one of the lights burnt out.

That would seem to be the case but in reality? We really have no idea because we have never had to use it before. The Christmas string lights that we purchase tend to survive for significant lengths of time.
If you have never had to use this light before, this is your chance to learn right along with us. As always, it was a TikTok user that managed to crack the case.

She demonstrated what would happen if we actually took the time to use the bulb. From there, she shows us the white Christmas lights that are up on her doorway.
She takes one of the lights out and the string goes out. This is where we use the spare red bulb, right? Once she takes the white light out and replaces it with the red one, something very special happens. Check out the video below to see for yourself:
@viznelly **I** didn’t know. 🤩🎄☃️ #christmas #diy #home #homedecor #christmastiktok #christmasdecor #houseoftiktok #cleantok #housework #hometiktok #holiday #tips #hacks #hacksandtips #christmastree #navidad #feliznavidad
We had no idea that this would happen when the red light is used and we are forever grateful to this TikTok user for providing us with all of the background information. ”
Dude all they had to do was write that somewhere on the box. I wasted so many years not knowing about this,” said one viewer and we are right there with them!