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Those of us who have smaller showers in our homes or apartments are well aware of the many struggles that are associated with these showers. It’s not quite a shower but it’s not quite a bathtub, either. These struggles are real and they are exhausting. When you don’t have access to a luxurious tub, it can feel like an impossible dream.

Unfortunately, most of us have a number of items that we need to keep in our showers. Body wash, shampoo, razors, specialty soaps, skincare products, the list goes on. So, what can we do when space is running low?

Photo: Pixabay

The shower caddy is used in these instances, more often than not. While the shower caddy is usually hung from the showerhead, there are other options available to you. When you have a smaller space to work with, you need to start thinking outside of the box. That’s what makes this story such an important one.

Alejandra Costello is the organizing wizard who is here to change your life forever. She’s offering up a different technique for all of us to use and it is easy to implement. You won’t need to make any expensive purchases or continue to awkwardly reach for the products that you need. The stream of water is not going to block you from your products. Instead, they are going to be right in front of you at all times.

Doesn’t that sound awesome? Of course, it does.

To get started, all you need to do is head to Home Depot and pick up some large hooks, two screws, and two anchors.

Check out the full video tutorial below for further instructions: