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While the phrase actions speak louder than words is quite poignant, a powerful bit of wise words can become the turning point and can become a catalyst for change. That is definitely the case for cooking, where a single phrase can really spark and can really change how one cooks. On r/Cooking, a user asked the forum members what phrase sparked change and helped them become a better cook.

“Never pick up something hot without knowing where you’re going to put it down.” Via: toastasks/r/Cooking

Via: LauriPatterson/iStock
“Just leave it alone for a minute.” Via: chiller8/r/Cooking

“Similarly, a falling knife has no handle.” Via: fuzzy11287/r/Cooking

“You can always add a little more, but you can’t take a little away.” Via: MountainHigh31/r/Cooking

Via: Neustockimages/iStock
“Samin Nosrat said something along the lines of ‘salt makes food taste more like itself’ and that instantly unraveled a lifetime of contorted attitudes toward salt.” Via: Oh_Blecch/r/Cooking

“If you think something might need more salt but you’re not really sure, try acid first.” Via: MyCatPostsForMe/r/Cooking

Via: webphotographeer/iStock
“My introduction to kitchen work was working for a chef who used to come up beside you and say “Hey, clean your workstation” and walk away. Most of the time I thought it was clean, but he really helped me understand what clean really meant. And a nice complex to boot haha.” Via: jondrethegiant/r/Cooking

“Just follow the recipe first, then make changes” Via: Dakota3766/r/Cooking

Via: Ugur Karakoc/iStock
“Remember to salt from above and not close to the food so you get an even distribution.” Via: Raellissa/r/Cooking

“’Perfection is lots of little things done well’ – Marco Pierre White” Via: GiveItARestYhYh/r/Cooking

Via: Fetrinka/iStock
“When you overcrowd the pan you’re steaming, not frying.” Via: Kickasskevin55/r/Cooking

“Low and slow for sweetness; high and fast for a sear.” Via: mdallen/r/Cooking

Via: surachetsh/iStock

“Why would you ever use water when you can add flavor with stock?” Via: edubkendo/r/Cooking