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Let’s face the facts here: We have all been guilty of sneaking food into the movies before. For most of us, it is totally harmless.

Who wants to spend $9 on a box of candy that we could get from the grocery store for pennies on the dollar? Or maybe you are the type to slip a soda from your fridge into your big purse so that you can avoid these hefty markups.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Either way, the movie theater employees have had enough and they are here to talk about it. This movie theater employee, in particular, has some insane stories to share. They took to TikTok to speak on the past issues that they have dealt with, and of course, people who try to sneak food and drink into the theater were at the top of the list.

@movie_daddy is always sharing stories about their job and that’s why they have one of our favorite TikTok accounts. According to Film Journal International, a survey found at least 60 percent of moviegoers are sneaking in snacks. This man does not care to enforce that rule too strongly but there are certain instances where he is left with no choice because people are too brazen about it.

Photo: TikTok/@movie_daddy

“This is another one I know people are gonna get mad at me about,” @movie_daddy said in the video that you are about to see. “Because I had to do my job to the letter.”

The customer in question made it beyond obvious that they were trying to sneak a soda can into the theater and it is easy to see why our friend here had to intervene. He tried to walk in with a massive, empty popcorn container pressed directly into his chest. This is a rookie mistake if we have ever seen one. You have to make it less obvious than this, buddy.

Photo: TikTok/@movie_daddy

He looked so suspicious that @movie_daddy’s manager told him that he needed to investigate. “Unfortunately I can’t let you in until you show me,” he said, reenacting the event as it had happened. Then, he shared some pointers on ways he could’ve snuck the drink in better.

“So what did this guy do wrong? First, he was suspicious and not confident in what he was doing. Second, he was stupid. Don’t hide it under the tray, just put it in your dang pocket,” he said and we couldn’t agree more.

Check out the clip below:


#movietheateremployee #customerservice #pepsi #movietheater #sus

♬ Lol BGM that matches the large moss scene – motofuji