Any scatterbrained parent is sure to relate to this one. When you are in the process of taking care of everyone else, it can be hard to remember to take a moment for yourself.
In the midst of all the madness, these things are difficult. That’s what makes this story such a funny one. It is easy to see this happening to us and we are sure that our readers feel the same.

Amanda Ayala was getting ready to bring her kids on a camping trip when she made this understandable mistake. She got everyone else packed and somehow forgot to pack her own clothes. Fortunately, Amanda was able to have a good sense of humor about the whole thing. At that point, what choice did she really have?
Instead of losing her temper, she decided to head to TikTok and provide a hilarious upload where she described the situation.

The video went viral, as other mothers gathered and shared their own stories about the days that they were forgetful. No matter how hard we try as parents, these moments are going to happen. There’s no reason to beat yourself up in these instances. You just have to laugh it off.
“I hope they appreciate all that I do,” she captioned her video. “Moms always suffer,” she continued.

When the video starts, we see her children in the backseat of the car. They are fully dressed, of course. That’s one thing we will always do as parents. Our lives could be in shambles but our kids will still be all set for the day.
From there, her husband is the one who is filming. He shows us that Amanda is on her way back from the showers but she does not have anything but a towel on. “Hey, why does everybody else have clothes on and you’re still in your towel?” he calls out to her, clearly getting a kick out of the moment.
“Because I’m the mom. And I get everybody else’s s— together and not my own. So I come to the shower house with nothing. So here I am.”
Truer words have never been spoken. We just hope that she was able to borrow a shirt from her husband at least!