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Animals have their own unique quirks, and some of them are strangely adorable. Take Kasper, for example.

The black cat has a strange habit of chewing on socks and her favorite time to chew them is while she bird watches through the window:

She has a lucky sock. Very necessary when monitoring the bird situation. from cats

Kasper’s owner shared about her sock chewing on Reddit and people couldn’t get over how cute it is!

Apparently, Kasper will chew a wide range of socks in various colors and she “almost always” has a sock in her mouth while watching birds. Perhaps she’s imagining what it’d be like to catch one!

Photo: Max Pixel

While no one is certain what’s going through Kasper’s mind while she munches on socks, her owner explained on Reddit that she’s a “little weirdo,” but is also “very anxious” and the sock helps calm her.

The owner shared photos of Kasper holding socks in her mouth on different occasions, including a yellow sock, black sock, blue sock, and red sock:

Gotta catch ’em all…and by all I mean all of my socks from cats

Kasper’s owner shared in the comments that the socks are like stuffed animals for the sweet cat. It seems she uses them for comfort and calming.

I’ve never had a cat steal socks before but based on the comments, it’s not that unusual of an incidence! However, most cats don’t keep the socks and chew on them like Kasper does.