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While most of us are probably well aware of the proper watermelon cutting methods, some of us want to do more than shape it into slices and cubes. Skinning them can be the toughest part at times, but thankfully, Mark Rober, former NASA engineer, is bringing his scientific expertise to the world of watermelon. His party trick presents the watermelon in a whole new light.

Now that summertime is here, everyone is digging into watermelons and this hack is about to make things a lot easier. In order to get started, you’ll need to obtain two watermelons.

Image by Couleur from Pixabay

Rober gets started by skinning one of the watermelons in the manner that you would normally expect. A knife is used to remove the outer slices. Don’t move onto the next step until the first watermelon has been skinned completely.

Are the outer slices gone? Use a dish scrub to smooth the surface out. Grab the second watermelon and slice it into two equally sized halves. As soon as this step is complete, gut it entirely. The empty vessel is now used as a holder for the skinned watermelon. This gives you the chance to twist apart the melon, instead of having to worry about the cumbersome process that typically takes place.

If you need any additional instruction on the matter, Rober is happy to provide you with this awesome video. It may seem complicated to some but we are here to let you know how easy it is. Leave it to a former NASA engineer to come up with this one. The next time we hear the phrase “it doesn’t take a rocket scientist,” we will definitely be thinking about Rober’s watermelon skinning tutorial.

Do the other geniuses at NASA have any hacks that they would like to share with us? Please stop holding out, guys. We want any and all tricks that you guys have up your sleeves on our desks by the end of the day. All jokes aside, we cannot wait to try out this life-changing hack for ourselves this summer.