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Burritos are one of those items that we just tend to fall in love with and we can’t get away from them. After all, when you think of all of the goodness that is wrapped up inside of a flour tortilla, it really doesn’t get much better than that.

Although burritos are a personal favorite, as well as being a favorite among millions, there is a problem that is inherent among that type of food. When you eat it, you can’t help but have the burrito fall apart at some point and you get a little messy.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Fortunately, we have some students at Johns Hopkins University who also loved eating burritos and they created something that made it a lot cleaner. It is known as Tastee Tape, and as you would expect, it is an edible tape that holds the burrito together.

On May 3, John Hopkins University held its Engineering Design Day. The designers of the tape came forward to debut that item, and it was met with a lot of enthusiasm. WQSB shared a photo of the tape on Facebook so you can see it in action:

The seniors at John Hopkins who were responsible for this include Tyler Guarino, Marie Eric, Rachel Nie, and Erin Walsh. According to a press release, they wanted to do something in a culinary direction and considering the fact that burritos often fall apart, this seemed like somewhat of a no-brainer.

What they came up with was a type of tape that adheres to food but is absolutely safe to eat.

In the press release, Guarino explains: “First, we learned about the science around tape and different adhesives, and then we worked to find edible counterparts.”

Photo: flickr/ActiveStevie

Although they ended up with a combination that works quite well, it didn’t happen right away. They had to go through a number of combinations before they ended up with the winner.

If you’re interested in trying the tape for yourself, you will need to pull a strip off of the sheet, add some water to activate the adhesive, and apply it to the wrap. Oh, you also have to wait until they get their patent because they can’t give out their secret formula and risk having it designed by someone else.