When Christmas rolls around, the phrase “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” comes to mind. There are a variety of household items that we do not think about that could be used in a whole new way. Now that upcycling has become so trendy, we cannot wait to see what everyone comes up with this year. In the meantime, we are going to share an awesome project to provide you with the necessary inspiration.
Our good friends over at OWN have put out a tutorial that walks you through how to make a snowglobe out of an old mason jar. The best part of all? The materials are easy to find and will not cost you very much. In most instances, the people that we talk to about this project already have most of these items available in their own homes.

All you need is some large, flakey glitter, some finer shimmer glitter, liquid glycerin, squeezable epoxy glue, distilled water, a mason jar, and miniature Holiday figurines.

These personalized snow globes are easy, affordable, and make adorable gifts! That’s why tutorials like these are worth their weight in gold during the holiday season. Besides, no one wants to elbow through crowded stores on Black Friday in search of the perfect gift this year. It’s just not worth the risk amidst the pandemic. But thankfully, creating the right gift for the right person has never been easier.

Take a closer look at the clip once you are truly ready to get started. It may seem early but there is nothing wrong with getting a jump on your Christmas shopping. This is NOT the year to be racing to the stores on Christmas Eve.