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Balancing Artist Stacks Objects In Seemingly Unfeasible Positions

Life is all about balance. But sometimes, there are some times that this balance needs a little extra skill – like when it comes to stacking items.

Personally, I’ve somewhat perfected the balance of refrigerator Tetris, as well as being able to stack the dish rack with as many dishes as possible before having to start drying and putting them away. We all experience a never-ending balancing act one way or another, but there is one person who has made a complete art form out of it.

Photo: YouTube/Balance Technique-Wang Yekun

Wang Yekun is a Chinese balancing artist, and he has made quite a reputation for himself thanks to his amazing talents at balancing items.

Of course, sometimes those talents might even extend to people as well. Yekun’s abilities at stacking things are ones that most of us can only dream of having. Adding to the impressiveness of his balancing abilities, Yekun does everything without assistance. He uses strategic placement and gravity as his only aids to create his stacked works of art.

Photo: YouTube/Balance Technique-Wang Yekun

Granted, the finished project is often a result of patience and a few tumbles until he gets it right. But that is what it is all about: balance. As Yekun has shared on YouTube, he believes that part of his abilities is just a part of living a “balanced life.” It’s quite interesting.

In fact, he explained, “Balanced life is an art, and self-knowledge is a skill.”

Photo: YouTube/Balance Technique-Wang Yekun

Granted, not everything comes out perfectly the first time. In fact, in some of his videos, there are a few bloopers that show just how much effort and patience he puts into each one.

Check out some incredible videos of his balancing creations down below:

What do you think of these videos? Have you ever tried balancing items? Let us know!